On externalities and meditation

Through times of external turmoil, it is powerful to turn inward to understand your own conscious ability in situational circumstances.

So often we can and will be overwhelmed. It is natural and healthy to want to understand, viewing ‘it’ as is. Taking action when you feel obliged will release some of that tension and staying balanced, coming back into your own conscious, will help reveal the way in uncertainty. No one can remove from us the depth of relationship we have with ourself.

You are invited to visit ananda marga for further reading on meditation, to begin your inward journey, or to reignite that of what you may have previously experienced. For a more active meditation experience, please visit yoga to the people , and a brief lecture on consciousness here

“You are never alone or helpless, the force that guides the stars guides you too.” Shri Shri Anandamutri
